Single Point of Access

Community optometrists can now send referrals directly to a new Single Point of Access (SPoA), which routes them to the patient’s preferred hospital for triage and management.

This new pathway will improve referral processing and reduce patient journey time from point of referral to hospital appointment. The Single Point of Access facilitates service innovations including centralised triaging, the launch of an advice and guidance service, the provision of targeted optometrist education and referral feedback, and dynamic digital modelling, to improve access to hospital resources.

 Our Single Point of Access for eyecare referrals from optometry is now live in North Central London and parts of North East London. The service accepts non-emergency referrals from optometrists, and ensures that those referrals get to a suitable ophthalmology provider as quickly as possible. The Single Point of Access is a true collaboration between hospitals, optometry, and integrated care system. We have been awarded “eyecare accelerator status” by NHS England reflecting our desire to design clinical pathways that are future-ready.

 We see the referral process as a key opportunity to improve patient experience and develop a closer relationship between all professionals and organisations delivering eyecare to our patients. We are developing new services, generating actionable insights from our data to improve performance, and engaging with our referrer community through regular CPD-accredited education session.

Service Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

Guidance for referrals into Single Point of Access by community optometrists

 Please see contact details for each area below:

 North Central London (NCL) 

 North East London (Inner NEL) 


Single Point of Access Referral Pathway Guidance

How do I refer my patients?

Please send your referral form (GOS 18 or equivalent) electronically to:

please note this mailbox is monitored Monday to Friday 8am-6pm

 Please do not use this pathway for the following:

  • Accident and emergency cases eg: retinal detachments, angle closure glaucoma and suspected stroke: Please refer to the nearest A&E or emergency eye service
  • Suspected wet AMD cases: please complete the correct WET AMD Performa and send to WET AMD email address for relevant Trust.
  • Primary care pathways, including Evolutio: Pre and post cataract, GRR and macula imaging.
How should I submit the required referral information?

Please use the SPoA contact blocks at the bottom of the page.

Please include the following in your subject line:
  • Urgency: Routine/urgent
  • Sub-speciality: e.g. Cornea
  • Hospital preference, if expressed. 
In the email:
  • Please include NHS number, if known
  • Please do not provide any information in the email body as all essential information (see checklist below) should be captured in the GOS 18 or equivalent proforma 
Attachments to include
  • GOS 18/equivalent proforma (essential to submit referral) 
  • Other relevant test results e.g. visual fields
How will the new SPoA help me and my patients?
  • Improve referral processing and reduce patient journey time from point of referral to hospital appointment.
  • Facilitate service innovations including centralised triaging, the launch of an advice and guidance service, the provision of targeted optometrist education and referral feedback, and dynamic digital modelling, to improve access to hospital resources.
How do I know my email has been received?

You will receive an automatic email receipt if you have an email. 

How do I know my referral has been submitted to eRS?

If you have a secure address, you will receive an email, confirming submission of your referral, with a clinical summary attached. The GP will be copied in.

If you do not have a secure address, you will receive an email confirming submission of your referral, but we will not be able to attach the clinical summary. The GP will be notified separately.

Here’s a reminder on how to set up an account

Do I need to inform the GP?

Optometrists have a duty to notify the GP when referring a patient, however the SPoA will forward the clinical summary, generated by eRS on referral submission, to the GP.

This will happen irrespective of whether an address has been used or not.

How will my patient be notified of their appointment?

Your patient will receive an ‘appointment request letter’ as confirmation that their referral has been submitted to eRS.

Details of the confirmed hospital appointment will be sent out in due course from the hospital.

What happens if there is missing information in the referral?

In the unlikely event that the GOS 18/equivalent proforma is not attached or essential information necessary to process the referral is missing, we will email you or your practice within 3 days of receiving the referral.

If required we will chase this up, with a phone call within 7 days of receiving the referral.

Do I use this pathway in the case of a referral also requiring GP input?

This pathway processes eye referrals only. If you would like your px to have other supplementary tests, e.g., blood tests, in addition to being referred to the Hospital Eye Service (HES), please email the eye referral via this pathway AND also contact the GP separately (stressing that the GP does not need to generate a referral to HE

Any questions?

Please contact the relevant EyeAdmin inbox:

Please note this is for administrative queries only- please do not use this inbox for referrals.

Suspect WET AMD patients

Suspect WET AMD patients

The Single Point of Access does not process Suspected WET AMD referrals. Please see the WET AMD Performas below and email to the appropriate site:

North Central London

North East London


Important information for GPs

It is no longer compulsory for GP practices to accept optometry and ophthalmology referrals. Community optometrists are encouraged to refer directly into the SPoA using the correct form and information.

The SPoA’s benefit to GP practices:

  • Saves time for GP practices who will no longer be required to forward ophthalmic referrals.
  • Patients' referrals are reviewed by a principal optometrist directing them to the right service first time.
  • Community optometrists and GP's feedback provided by secondary care
  • Ophthalmic conditions reviewed in the community diverted away from GPs saves time

Single Point of Access teaching sessions

The SPoA referral forwarding service aims to improve the efficiency of the referral pathway, provide feedback loops for community optometrists, and offer CPD-accredited educational sessions for our referrers – all contributing to better patient care.

Our educational sessions are available here:

Vitreoretinal teaching

video transcript


Corneal pearls

video transcript


video transcript


video transcript


video transcript

Contacting the SPoA team

When contacting the relevant Single Point of Access team

Please include the following in your subject line

  • Urgency: Routine/urgent
  • Sub-speciality: e.g. Cornea
  • Hospital preference, if expressed. 
Do not include identifiable patient information. 

In the email body copy

  • Please include NHS number, if known
  • Please do not provide any information in the email body as all essential information (see checklist below) should be captured in the GOS 18 or equivalent proforma 

Attachments to include

  • GOS 18/equivalent proforma (essential to submit referral) 
  • Other relevant test results e.g. visual fields


GOS 18/equivalent proforma checklist 

  • Optometry practice name + address + phone number
  • Optometrist name
  • GP name + address
  • Patient’s first name, surname + DOB
  • Referral urgency
  • Ophthalmology sub-specialty
  • Hospital preference, if expressed
  • Any other relevant information

Single Point of Access - North Central London

  • Please refer only one patient per email
  • Please do not include any px identifiable information in the subject line
  • Please complete required fields 
  • Ensure you have attached required documents 


Email SPoA North Central London:

Single Point of Access - North East London

  • Please refer only one patient per email
  • Please do not include any px identifiable information in the subject line
  • Please complete required fields 
  • Ensure you have attached required documents 


Email SPoA North East London: