Primary care provider education

Moorfields offer a professional development programme for primary care providers delivered by leading consultant ophthalmologists to help improve patient care, and closer working relationships between our consultants and primary care professionals.


Educational events 

The main focus of our primary care provider events is:

  • To benefit from practical tips and take-home messages that will help improve local treatment
  • To have an opportunity to ask questions about individual specialties and how to make appropriate referrals
  • Consultants to update primary care providers on new developments in clinical practice within Moorfields
  • Consultants and primary care providers to form supportive relationships

You will receive a certificate of attendance and reflective learning document to go towards your CPD learning points and revalidation portfolio.


GP Teaching & Events

Primary care providers and consultant meeting opportunities

Meeting opportunities can be arranged for consultants and primary care providers. We have a set of different streams which would enable primary care providers to get Moorfields education locally:

  • CCG (Formal locality General Ophthalmology) an educational slot with the CCG that has a Moorfields presence presenting the Common Eye Condition management talks.
  • Host hub hospitals PGMC agenda – To ensure that ophthalmology offers educational input to the yearly calendar
  • Ad-Hoc Requests/Planned - Education requested by primary care providers practices/Moorfields clinicians

The sessions provide an opportunity for professionals to share knowledge and expertise, and also develop a good working relationship.


Primary care relationship team

If you are interested in an attending an educational event, or arranging for one of our clinicians to attend your practice, network or CCG meeting contact our team.


Call 020 7253 3411 x6362 Contact the primary care relationship team