Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is one of only four centres in the UK to offer this highly specialist ocular oncology service, treating tumours of the eye. Many tumours, such as a cyst, haemorrhage or naevus (mole) are benign.
As well as benign vascular tumours, intraocular lymphoma and uveal tract metastases, we treat a rare type of eye cancer called uveal tract melanoma. This is a very rare cancer with approximately 600 new cases diagnosed each year in England.
In addition, we treat patients with ocular surface tumours such as conjunctival lymphoma, conjunctival melanoma/primary acquired melanosis, squamous cell carcinoma and associated conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia.
We do not treat retinoblastoma (an eye cancer that affects children). This service is provided by Barts Health NHS Trust as part of their children’s department.
If your patient presents with ocular oncology symptoms arrange for them to have an outpatient appointment with us.
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists provides guidance or referring patients to adult ocular oncology services.
Referrals to ocular oncology services need to include images of the lesion in question so that patients can be triaged to a virtual consultation, unless an in-person hospital appointment attendance is needed for an investigation or surgical procedure that cannot be done at their local hospital eye service.
Please click on the link to download a free copy of Essential Ocular Oncology. This is an e-Book written by the team at Moorfields aimed at the non-specialist ophthalmologist seeing ocular oncology patients.
Ocular Oncology Service
Moorfields Eye Hospital
City Road
All GP referrals must be made via the NHS e-Referral Service system.