Day of surgery (morning) - general anaesthetic / deep sedation

This page will help you to understand what will happen when you come to the hospital at City Road.

Blue Sedgwick Ward sign with a clock

Please come to Sedgewick Ward at the time you have been given in the morning

Two people, one on the telephone and one thinking

Call us if you have any questions about coming to hospital or if you can’t come to your appointment.

020 7566 2570   or  0207 566 2571

Person pushing a wheelchair user, standing next to a nurse outside a hospital.

Your carer can stay with you at the hospital.

Before your operation

Fast food and a clock with 12 o'clock

The night before you come to the hospital, you must NOT have anything to eat or drink after 12 o’clock . This includes chewing gum.

Bottle of water

But if you need to, you can have a small glass of plain (not fizzy) water up until 6am

Shower head with cartoon blue water spray

Please have a bath or shower before you come to hospital.

Please bring with you

Hand holding blister packaging containing white tablets


Black glasses and beige colour hearing aid

Glasses or hearing aids

Electric toothbrush, toothpaste and soap

Toothbrush and wash things

Hospital passport

Hospital passport

Two ipad devices

Things help you relax

Person reading a letter

The letter about your operation

On the day of your operation

Doctor with a question mark

The doctor will come to see you before your operation.  You can ask the doctor questions.

Person lying in a hospital bed

You will be very sleepy or asleep during your operation.

Nurse standing alone

After your operation the nurses and doctors will look after you until you are feeling better.

Cup of tea with a saucer and a chicken salad sandwich

The nurses will give you a drink and a sandwich, but you can bring your own snacks and drinks with you if you want to.

Nurse holding a clipboard and talking to a patient who is lying in a hospital bed

When you are ready to go home, the nurse will show you how to look after your eye and give you some medication to take home.

Person in an electric wheelchair holding a sign with a green tick

Please tell us about any reasonable adjustments or things we can do to make your visit better.

Helpful contacts

Moorfields Direct

Our helpline is staffed by knowledgeable ophthalmic nurses from:

  • 9am to 9pm, Monday to Friday.
  • 9am to 5pm on Saturdays. 


Call 0207 566 2345

Patient advice liaison service (PALS)

Providing confidential advice and support, assistance sorting out any concerns and guiding patients through the different services available.


Call 0207 566 2324 or 0207 566 2325 Email PALS