Uveitis treatment and pricing

Uveitis diagnosis and treatment overview

You will need to be assessed by a consultant ophthalmologist specialising in uveitis is essential, as the best course of treatment will depend on the underlying cause and severity of the uveitis.

Moorfields Private treats all types of uveitis, including anterior, intermediate and posterior.

How is uveitis diagnosed?

The diagnosis of uveitis is predominantely clinical, subject to meticulous history taking and examination. It is vital that a comprenhensive ocular and systemic history is taken by the doctor. In order to help that, you may keep a logbook about some previous events that may be related to your condition. You can also keep the letters and the documents you have if you have already been seen by your GP or another specialist and bring them to your appointment.

Which investigations will I need?

Depending on the presentation, symptoms, severity of the condition, we may need to do further tests to confirm or exclude some eye and/or systemic conditions.

The most common tests are eye scans and/or photographs, blood tests and chest x-ray. After examining your eyes, your eye doctor will be able to explain to you which tests you will need to have done.

What are the treatment options?

The recommended treatment for uveitis is based on the type of uveitis and cause of the condition, although determining an exact cause may not always be possible. 

The most common uveitis treatment is steroid medicine, known as corticosteroid, which can help to reduce the inflammation. These are usually given as eyedrops for anterior uveitis, but severe anterior uveitis and most forms of non-infectious posterior uveitis may require treatment with systemic medication in the form of tablets or injection.

In certain specific circumstances an injection around or into the eye may be of benefit.

In some cases, additional treatment may be required. Eye drops to relieve any pain or dilate the pupil may also be prescribed. In rare instances, uveitis surgery may be required, particularly if cataract or glaucoma (a raised eye pressure that does not reach a controlled level with drops) develops.

Your ophthalmologist will be able to conduct tests to try and determine the type of uveitis you have to recommend the best course of treatment. Our experts are well verse in the may treatments that exist for this condition and will be able to fully discuss the therapeutic option that is most suited to the type and severity of uveitis that you have.

Complications and side effects

Although most cases of uveitis, especially in the front part of the eye, respond quickly to treatment and cause no further consequences there is still a risk of complications, which is related to the area of the eye is affected.

The risk of complication is higher in people who have intermediate or posterior uveitis, or who have repeated episodes of uveitis.

Complications of uveitis include permanent deterioration in vision, glaucoma, cataract, retinal damage and macular swelling, among others.

What is the cost of treatment for uveitis?

Initial consultation

From £300

This includes an initial consultation and a visual acuity assessment.

If further outpatient tests and investigations are required, they will be charged at an additional rate. Your consultant will discuss this with you at your consultation.


The cost of onward treatment will be provided after initial consultation,  based on your personalised treatment plan.

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